As SD Industrial Engineering, it is our main goal to realize the product and service quality of all our works with Occupational Health, Safety and Environment awareness.


SD INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING has established an "Integrated Management System" compatible with the Organization, Management and Audit Model, which is based on "TS EN ISO 9001", "TS EN ISO 14001" and "TS 18001" standards, which include Safety and Environmental Protection requirements as well as quality management requirements that form an integral part of the company policy and general strategies.      SD INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING has established this Company Management System to use, manage and implement it at all organizational levels.



  • Undertakes to complete turnkey commitments in construction, assembly, manufacturing and engineering works with an emphasis on engineering and technological aspects in a timely manner, with good quality, sensitive to environmental impacts and risks related to OHS,
  • To ensure the continuous improvement of the efficiency of the Integrated Management System by complying with the legal requirements related to Quality, Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Management Systems, applicable legislation, standard conditions, customer conditions and establishment conditions,
  • To promote risk-based thinking,
  • To meet the expectations of interested parties,
  • To lead for the QMS,
  • To fully and accurately identify and meet changing and developing customer expectations in order to ensure continuity of service quality,
  • To set goals by taking context, stakeholders and environmental aspects into account and to make programs to achieve these goals,
  • To keep customer satisfaction at the highest level by evaluating customer demands and complaints,
  • To encourage SD Industrial Engineering employees and Subcontractors to adopt the "zero accident" - "zero error" target in order to carry out all its activities as a main principle in a quality, environmentally friendly, safe and healthy environment, to constantly review the policy in line with all goals and objectives and to increase the company's competitiveness with continuous improvement,   
  • To ensure that the HSE-Q Policy and its objectives are published on the common network and on the website and transmitted to all personnel within the company, related parties and the public, as paper or electronic form when necessary,
  • To provide a strong communication network in order to provide continuous information sharing and necessary training on issues such as quality, environment and safety,
  • To ensure that the policy is understood by all personnel and relevant parties by publishing the policy in "Turkish" with a clear and understandable writing format, and to ensure the adoption of responsibility by all personnel and related parties by raising awareness in this direction,  
  • To ensure the compliance and effectiveness of the Integrated Management System and policy,
  • To determine the Occupational Health and Safety Risks and to eliminate these risks with necessary precautions or to reduce them to an acceptable level in line with the structure and size of our company,
  • To prevent the elements that may threaten the health and safety of all personnel, to continuously improve the OHS Management and performance,
  • To prevent injuries and health deterioration and continuous improvement of OHS Management performance,
  • To reduce and prevent air and water pollution, leaks and spills and noise as much as possible in line with the requirements of the Integrated Management System,
  • To reduce waste, prevent pollution at its source, use energy efficiently,
  • To create, implement and maintain relevant documents.

By monitoring and encouraging the implementation of the HSE-Q Policy, we help protect the environment as well as our employees, suppliers, subcontractors, customers and society in general.

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